Dear visitors, welcome! We are pleased to share with you here our previous online exhibitions. Discovery, re-discovery and memories...we wish you a nice visit!
Jean Robie exhibition at the castle of Corroy le Château
In 2009, the Foundation organized, with the help of the Marquis de Trazegnies, its first exhibition at the Château de Corroy-le-Château from May to September 2009, in parallel with the visits and activities organized at the château. Many quality classical music concerts, including the management artistic work is carried out by François Emmanuel de Wasseige and plays are organized during the summer season. The public had the opportunity to admire the few panels in the dining room painted by the painter. During concerts, this room has excellent acoustics for old instruments. In fact, this very beautiful ceiling painted in 1848 was discovered and attributed to our painter by Jean Robie following the publication of the book. At the castle of Attre another ceiling was discovered following the research of Xavier Duquenne. The Marquis de Trazegnies and the Royal Association of Historic Residences and Gardens of Belgium currently manage this exceptional heritage and the ceiling was recently restored.
Discovery of the Dining Room ceiling painted by Jean Robie

Trace de Robie, “Retrospective for the Centenary of Robie’s death”, Saint Gilles Town Hall

After the interest and personal enthusiasm aroused by its first exhibition in Corroy-le-Château, the Foundation is back in business by returning its painter to the city of Saint-Gilles on the occasion of the artists' biennale from 7 to 23 May 2010 organized at the Maison Communale de Saint-Gilles. The exhibition combines the paintings of Jean Robie with the technological arts (multimedia installation by B2Fays and M. Constans) of our time in order to establish a dialogue between the past and the present, and allow visitors to "enter" with a look contemporary in his painting. A beautiful tribute, since this celebration made rediscover an important painter of Saint-Gilles, and share his pictorial work and his love of nature with the public all over the place. We should note a very good collaboration from the Saint-Gilles culture department and the Forest cultural center for the multimedia installation, as well as privileged support from Charles Picqué.
Charlier-Europalia India Museum exhibition
"Jean Robie, painter and writer and his trip to India

En 2013, la Fondation plaça la barre plus haut avec un nouveau projet d’exposition proposé par le Musée Charlier dans le cadre du Festival Europalia India.Commissaire d'exposition : Aude Hendrick
Plus connu du public pour ses natures mortes que pour ses paysages orientalistes, celui que l’on a surnommé « l’amant des roses » a réalisé un aventureux voyage en Inde en 1881-1882.L’exposition mit en lumière l’œuvre les peintures, croquis, récits de voyage, photographies et objets d’art ramenés d’Inde par le peintre, illustrant la vision enthousiaste d’un globe-trotter belge de la fin du XIXe siècle sur ce pays fascinant aux multiples composantes.Ses souvenirs relatent autant les mœurs, coutumes et festivités colorées que les petits détails de la vie quotidienne. La conception muséographique s’est également ouverte aux nouvelles technologies. En proposant un lutrin virtuel réalisé par l’ULB qui permit aux visiteurs de voyager de manière interactive dans l'œuvre picturale et littéraire du peintre.

"En Route" In the footsteps of Belgian artists on their journey
At the initiative of the Félicien Rops Museum, an exhibition entitled “En route! will be held from May 25 to September 28, 2014. This will propose to follow a century of itinerary of Belgian traveling painters (1825-1925). Following the echo sounded during the Europalia tour, the Félicien Rops Museum requested the Foundation's participation in this project which will provide the museum team with the precious archives (writings of the painter, stories, travel photographs and paintings) necessary at the exhibition. Exhibition curators: Laurence Brogniez and Christine Dupont. The catalog will be published by the Rops museum (provincial printing press) and will include contributions from Laurence Brogniez, Véronique Carpiaux (Rops museum), Sabine Cornélis (Tervueren museum) , Christine Dupont, Fabrice Preyat (ULB).

Exhibition Jean Robie- 51e Concours International of
New Roses of Roeulx 4-8 september 2014
On the occasion of the 51st International Competition of New Roses of Roeulx, the city of Roeulx will welcome our painter for a prestigious exhibition around the theme of the rose. The “Jean Robie” rose will be named and presented to the general public for the first time.
with the support of the National Lottery

Exhibition Roses by Jean Robie in Saint Hubert"
Saint-Hubert Town Hall
On July 4 and 5, 2015, Saint-Hubert celebrates Pierre-Joseph Redouté during the Weekend of the Rose. To commemorate the 175th anniversary of her death, the roses that made her famous will invade the city in all their forms.
On this occasion, the Jean Robie Foundation is invited to present the work of the painter, also known for his floral creations.
We have the great honor to invite you to this event!
More information? here

*Exhibition of Animal Arts and Nature
September 8-9-10, 2017
"Freux Heritage Days"
Jean Robie, animal painter in the spotlight
"Making young people aware of heritage"
Castle and outbuildings of Freux

Exhibition catalog pages of Heritage Days in Freux 2017

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May 1-10, 2020: Canceled due to Covid 19 containment
Exhibition at St Bavo's Cathedral in Ghent during Floralies in Ghent
"The rose painters Frans Mortelmans and Jean Robie"
with the collaboration of Floralies Gantoise,
SNRB - Friends of the Rose and Frans Thomas, President
-the Mortelmans and Norbert Hosteyn foundation
-the Jean Robie Foundation
.. from 03/10/20 to 10/01/2021 Extension until 18/04/2021
Temporary exhibition at the Félicien Rops Namur museum
Exhibition “Awarded! Belgian artists on the market (1850-1900) »
Valerie MINTEN
Rops Museum Rue Fumal, 12 - 5000 Namur
tel: 081/775370 mail:
reservation according to the rules of confinement
Remerciements au musée Félicien Rops

Bicentenaire de la naissance de Jean Robie
du 15 au 28 novembre 2021
vernissage le 19 novembre
Jean Robie exhibition
"Our Circle" Pavilion of the Park Pierre Paulus du Châtelet
Parmastraat 51
Under the aegis of Mrs. Cathy Marcus
Alderman for Housing, Land Management, Sport, Social Affairs,
European Affairs, Personnel and Municipal Archives.
Plantation of Jean Robie roses in the Parc Pierre Paulus du Châtelet
The Foundation thanks Madame L'Echevin Cathy Marcus,
Mayor Charles Picqué of this beautiful exhibition for the bicentenary of the birth of Jean Robie

Article de presse de José Vandermeeren
Bicentenaire de la naissance de Jean Robie. Une exposition dans « sa commune de Saint-Gilles
BRUXELLES, 10/11 (BELGA) = A l'occasion du bicentenaire de sa naissance, une exposition consacrée au peintre, écrivain, académicien et grand voyageur bruxellois Jean-Baptiste Robie (1821-1910) aura lieu, du 15 au 28 novembre, dans le Centre d'animations « Notre Cercle » à Saint-Gilles.
Jean Robie, né le 19 novembre 1821, est connu du public pour ses natures mortes, et notamment ses splendides roses (une rose porte son nom), mais aussi pour ses paysages orientalistes.
La Fondation Jean Robie, d'utilité publique, envisage la création d'un musée à Saint-Gilles dédié à l'artiste mais aussi à d'autres peintres du XIXè siècle ayant des liens avec la commune, Jean Robie, pour sa part, a longtemps résidé chaussée de Charleroi dans cette commune du centre-sud de la dont une rue porte son nom..
Après avoir exploré l'Europe méridionale et l'Afrique du Nord pour échapper à la rigueur des hivers belges, Jean Robie va entreprendre un voyage en Inde et ce périple donnera naissance à plusieurs peintures pleines de vie, généralement de taille réduite. L'artiste pratiquait la peinture de plein air chère à l'école de Tervueren. Il était du reste en relation avec les peintres paysagistes Théodore Fourmois et Théodore Baron. Ses paysages vont, par conséquent, s'inscrire de plein pied dans la représentation réaliste de la Nature.
Par ailleurs écrivain de talent, Robie décrira ses observations de manière pittoresque dans un récit passionnant, à savoir « Fragment d'un voyage en Inde et à Ceylan », publié en deux volumes en 1883 et 1885. Il y consacrera plusieurs chapitres à sa traversée en bateau vers l'Inde, à la chasse au tigre lors de son séjour dans la jungle ainsi qu'à ses nombreuses visites de villes historiques. L' Académie royale de Belgique, dont Robie était membre, a publié plusieurs fragments de cet ouvrage ainsi que d'autres écrits élaborés par le peintre.
L'oeuvre de Robie, amoureux passionné des fleurs et la Nature, parviendra à se défaire des anciennes conventions pour devenir l'un des « peintres des fleurs » les plus reconnus de son époque.. On le qualifiera également d' « Amant des roses ».
L'exposition sera accessible du lundi au vendredi de 10h00 à 16h30 ainsi que le samedi et le dimanche de 10h00 à 19h30. « Notre Cercle » est établi rue de Parme, 51, à Saint-Gilles. Informations : Tél : 02-536 02 53 et site : ./. JVR

From 10/21/23 to 03/10/24
“What do you want, I can’t work like most of the good painters in Brussels who go to the studio as well as to the office & ‘paint between their meals’.
When I work, I don't sleep, I hardly eat & the fever takes hold of me until I fall on my side like a ship driven by the southwest."1 It's in these terms that Félicien Rops (1833-1898) described his profession as an artist in 1884, when he had been living in Paris for a good ten years and he looked, with a certain disdain, at the Brussels painters of his generation who didn't have the audacity to go into exile in the French capital to make a name for themselves. What about the studios of Belgian artists during the second half of the 19th century?
A place of work, of experimentation, but also a place of exhibition and sales, the workshop is part of the collective imagination as it conceals so much mystery. The exhibition at the Rops museum offers a dialogue between the workshop as a creative space, a media showcase or even an object of fantasies and projections through its representations in art and literature. Such an articulation makes it possible to grasp the double reality, both material and symbolic, specific to the artist's studio and its double dimension, between intimacy and publicity. Discover behind the scenes of creation, the artists' equipment, their environment and the smells attached to these places where models and amateurs follow one another, views of known or lesser known workshops spread across the map of Belgium, with for Brussels nerve center.
Meet artists at work by entering the enclosed space of their attics or the open space of their gardens.
In short, immerse yourself in a world of 19th century men and women at work, starting with Félicien Rops in front of his engraving press...
Artists exhibited:
Evert Jan Boks, Eugène Broerman, Evelyne de Behr, Henri de Braekeleer, Philippe De Gobert, Louise De Hem, Pierre Delcour, Servais Detilleux, Omer Dierickx, Cécile Douard, James Ensor, Henri Evenepoel, Léon Frédéric, Théodore Hannon, Emile Hoeterickx, Charles Houben, Evert Larock, Paul Mathey, Henri Meunier, David Oyens, Peter Oyens, Maurice Pirenne, Henri Privat-Livemont, Jean Robie, Félicien Rops, Jan Willem Rosier, Léopold Speekaert, Alfred Stevens, Georges Van Zevenberghen
Commissariat d’exposition : Laurence Brogniez et Tatiana Debroux, ULB
Catalogue : Au travail ! Les ateliers d’artistes en Belgique au 19e siècle, textes de L.Brogniez, V.Carpiaux, T.Debroux, G.Di Stazio, Ch.Dupont, Th.Cleerebaut, Marjan Sterckx, E.Wicky, Silvana editoriale, 2023, 144 p., 32€
12 rue Fumal - 5000 Namur
Tel:+32 81 77 67 55
Open from 10.00 am to 6.00 pm from Tuesday to Sunday
Catalog raisonné of Jean Robie "on line" in preparation with Organica & Koregos
with the support of the National Lottery
*************************************************************************************************************************************We hope to be able to show in projection the first works in beginning 2024
It was proposed by the head of the Mont des Arts the idea of exhibiting at the Bellevue Museum
This is our next Challenge